crazyMSB : I consider myself to be a very competent, put together 18 year old. I have a job, real estate classes I am attending, college next year. My life is just beginning to take off. But in the past month or so I have been extremely off focus and it's all because I gravitate to this game. It's on Facebook, called criminal case. I can't talk to anyone in real life as I am far too embarrassed, even to tell my best friend. Because this game is so accessible on my smartphone. I can play it anywhere. I play it at school, at work, with friends, I wake up every 2 hours to utilize my energy in the game. This addiction has gotten way out of hand. I haven't done my real estate homework in 2 weeks because the game. Truthfully I want to play right now. Today I got obsessed, I added about 50 strangers on Facebook so they could give me more energy and I could keep playing. I know cold turkey is the best route. But it's going to be so hard, I feel I have no real life support. I've been forgetting to take my Zoloft because this game is what I do each morning rather than my routine. So without Zoloft in my system I'm also suffering from a very low temper, severe depression, sometimes suicidal thoughts. Life was so much better before I laid in bed all day playing criminal case. Tomorrow my best friend and I are traveling for a day trip we have wanted to do for a year now. And I have been trying to think when I can sneak in times to play. That was the breaking point when I realized this needs to be fixed now. I sure would love to get back on track with real estate :/
Leonid: I think that you good and klewer chap, you are understanding your addiction, this is the most pricipal. If you know, who is your enemy, you should fight with him. I understand that it is very dificult, but "fight fire with fire". But there is no words about your hobbies in your letter.. New hobby should occupy all time. I think, that it may be long journey with uncomfortable conditions. Set off with bag on bicycle. Instead of the tablet take the push-button telephone. Not bad if you will be not alone
ОтветитьУдалитьI think to get rid of Internet addiction, not everyone can , it depends on what kind of person, what his psyche.And yet for many people it's not easy. Someone in the computer the whole life. I think to get rid of Internet addiction need to find a hobby that you like. To communicate with people in the real world, not via social media. There are many Hobbies, activities.To travel, because you can find something for themselves. Well, to get rid of the addiction in the first place depends on the person.